Friday, April 15, 2011

Five on Friday

1) FIVE.... how awful of me to let another 5 months go buy with out blogging, It surely is not for lack of having things to blog about, more like lack of time to do so :)  I will eventually get this schedule figured out!  we've just been super busy with things like cub scouts, and boy scouts and girl scouts, and dance, and school, and all sorts of other crazy fun things!

2) Spring... I find myself singing a song from a Franklin video I watched way too many times with Zack when he was little... SPRING... spring WHERE ARE YOU!!!  OK so we've had some nice teaser days but come on we want warm and sunshine, tho the grass is looking amazingly green right now.

3) Plans... I am having some major issues with my calendar for summer, too much to do in too little time!  I just can't bring myself to cut out some of the things I know in my heart I should, so I'm trying to prepare to for the insane summer to start and fly by way too fast.

4) Babies... babies babies EVERYWHERE, March and April have been full of little bundles of joy all around me, lots and lots of little baby boys that I am absolutely loving to capture with my camera!  I am anxiously waiting for news of a new niece or nephew later this month :0) Nothing kicks in that mommy clock more than holding all these teeny tiny babies!

5) House...  I know everyone is waiting and waiting for more house updates, but there really aren't any LOL.  We are doing things about as fast as a herd of turtles racing snails in slow motion... yep its that kind of progress, however, I am happy to report that Preston's framed room now has sheetrock up that just needs to be mudded and taped!  Slowly but surely we will find time!